Till You Have It!

A story not told will end up as a story never happened at all. Like most of us I tend to write to keep things alive. And as it is said not all writers are sad rather sad people usually write, I seem to fall in the same category of disappointed people. Well, my story has not always been sad, there had been days when I thought sun couldn’t shine any brighter, life couldn’t be more colorful and I couldn’t be any happier but just like any other human, after having my fair share of happiness I had to wander through the valley of dark and gloomy days. It wasn’t a long time ago I was happy to such extent that I thought I’d never be sad again. I was so full of life and joy that I presumed I’d never see the dark side again. I had what I wanted, had the love I desired for, had the girl I fancied, people around me were loving and caring and above all had the purpose to move forward and was ready to inspire the world. I was so happy that I thought the inevitable, I’d never be sad again. ...