Lost LOVE!

To lose in love is to lose in life . Of all the miseries, this life can offer the one which comes in the form of loss in love is the hardest to endure. And it’s not only ordinary humans but also the very likes of kings and emperors couldn’t overcome this feeling of being left alone. Love has been a topic of great interest and research for a long period now. Starting from the early days of humans on planet earth to this technological era of 21 st century, love has been an entity of constant observation and it has been studied in every era by the great writers and scholars. People of great wisdom and stature have tried their best to analyze this very complicated yet the simplest concept or human behavior. To say it with absolute simplicity love is nothing but giving someone else’s life more importance than yours, making someone so special for you that it goes beyond reasons and logic. And if we see the complicated part then love is a sacrifice not a desire, a pain not a joy, not ...