JUNEJO and the Evolution of Vlogging in Pakistan!

Although I am a huge JUNEJO fanboy yet I will try my best to refrain from the subjective perspective as Irfan Junejo doesn't need any kind of opinionated or biased introduction. For all those who don't know Junejo, well, that's a pity because in the last couple of years, Junejo has not only revitalized the digital medium but has also given 'birth' to the trend of vlogging in Pakistan. Ever since the introduction of the phase, SCNZ KUCH AISE HAIN , hundreds of Pakistani YouTubers have opted this path and thousands of youngsters have started their YouTube channels to follow the footsteps of our very own Casey Neistat . Juenjo has contributed to such an extent that it can be said that Irfan Junejo is the pioneer of vlogging in Pakistan and rightly deserves the credit for giving a completely distinctive outlook to the genre of vlogging. Here it is important to mention that I am not undermining the contributions of other vloggers and YouTubers as sev...