10 Greatest Moments of Game of Thrones

Ever since I have watched the last episode of Game of Thrones, I have been struggling with this urge of giving my two cents on the finale of the show. However, a lot has already been said, regarding the finale, and the disappointment of the fans, including myself, is quite obvious as more than a million fans have signed this petition (not going to have an impact though) to show their anger and discontent. So, in this piece I am not considering the finale rather this piece is more of a recognition of the efforts of all the people, associated with show, and the idea is to list the 10 greatest moments of Game of Thrones as a token of appreciation for this revolutionary show. Irrespective of the poor ending of the show, there is no denying that Game of Thrones has changed the TV as it has not only revolutionized it but has set the tone for the future TV show to explore new horizons, especially in terms of cinematography and sound design. Starting with Ramin Djawadi, the man deserves a...