The Responsibility!

In Pakistan, three kinds of babies are born to parents, boys, girls and ‘not specified’ ones and none of the ‘sophisticated’ and ‘civilized’ people of our society can’t even think of having a ‘Khawaja Sra’ as our child or sibling. We reject them from the very beginning and these rejected people then become the ‘hateful’ and ‘loathsome’ part of our society but at the same time a source of joy and amusement for the ‘honoured’ entities. We badmouthed them, we make fun of them but we never realize that it’s not their mistake that they are born that way. We don’t accept them as a part of us rather we treat them as a wound that remain in contact to the body, we never accept it and we always try to get rid of it but in that case we usually forget the part of healing it.

We abandon them, we left them to the people who destroy their identities and make them their puppets. Because of the rejection from family and society, they become thankful to those who ‘adopted’ them. Although those people use them but the embodiment which keep on strengthening with the passage of time make them obey their masters and they work for them.

The basic reason for all of this is our rejection and our treatment of these people. Instead of not accepting them what if we welcome them wholeheartedly and give them the only thing, the only medicine which can cure them, what if we educate them. Teach them how to control themselves and their internal desire of be the one which they are not born. We can make them respectable entity of our society rather than the filth of it.

But the problem is all of our ‘Honoured’ and ‘respectable’ people don’t even bother to look out for them, their pen never write for their rights, their debates never have the agenda of discussing their problems, their talks are too ‘pure’ and ‘pious’ to mention them but as it said, ‘Every single soul can change the fate of all,’ It’s our social and ethnical duty to stand for those who don’t have anybody to stand for, it’s our job to free their feet from the ‘ghungrooz’ the society has put around their ankles, it’s our responsibility to educate them because education is the only desire and hope for their ruined lives.

And the day we accept our obligation, it will be the day we all are waiting for!


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